Friday, July 11, 2008

What is the reason of our existence?

Since time immemorial, this question has been troubling man & will continue to do so. Actually the trouble with this question is, no matter how much we engross ourselves in finding an answer, the more we know, the more we come to know about how little we know......
Today when umpteenth time I encountered this enigma, I thought of penning down my notions.

I sincerely believe that everything happens for a reason. We our also here for a specific reason which we are yet to figure out. I feel that to get the answer we must transcend beyond the mere world of senses to grasp a more higher & sublime truth cause the answer is not meant for everybody.
If we knew the very purpose of our existence, having free choices to make and understanding & interpreting our life, we could disrupt that purpose for Who/Whatever caused us to be in the first place. So, in order for that purpose to be fulfilled, we have been refused that knowledge!

Richard Bach in his book Illusions states,

"How do you know your mission in life is complete?"

"If you are still alive, it is not complete."

One of the plausible reasons one may think is that, we are here because we are somehow required to be in order that we may serve some purpose in a grand plan of some description or other, even though we may not know what it is. It is a nature's process to maintain every living being's existence. A natural cycle. Isn't it?

Or probably due to unremitting evolution of species right after the big bang took place.

Renowned author, Douglas Adams questions that:
Maybe we are just a minuscule part of some divine experiment in which humans were created and given a world to live in and are being studied this very moment.

Also Sigmund Freud cynically remarked: "The goal of all life is death."

So as you see there may be more than one reasonable answer but to believe there is no reason after our creation seems a folly. Did all of this synchronization, symmetry, concordance, variation, pattern & their harmony and infinite logical evolving happen all by chance? Do these systems serve perfectly and perpetually also by chance? No, of course not.

Ayn Rand
explains this in her book Atlas Shrugged. Here is an excerpt from it

"Existence exists - and the act of grasping that statement implies two corollary axioms: that something exists which one perceives and that one exists possessing consciousness, consciousness being the faculty of perceiving that which exists.

If nothing exists, there can be no consciousness: a consciousness with nothing to be conscious of is a contradiction in terms. A consciousness conscious of nothing but itself is a contradiction in terms: before it could identify itself as consciousness, it had to be conscious of something. If that which you claim to perceive does not exist, what you possess is not consciousness."

Try reading the book mentioned & also "Man's search for meaning" by Victor Franklyn.

Scientifically speaking
, we exist because of some self-replicating chemical largely nucleic acid (which mainly comes along in two representations, DNA and RNA) has designed and created us as an instrument for the sole purpose of improving its success rate for self-replication. But there is a flaw in this concept. Try finding.

Spiritually speaking, as per Hindu sûtras, the goal of every being is Sûkha prapti and Dûkkha nivruti. Sûkha is loosely used for Sat Chit Ananda state that the realized souls experience. In other words every being is on path to destination which happens to be the source from where they came from.
Advaita calls this journey as maya, whilst Dwaiti call this journey as creation.
Moksha or Nirvana is the last stage, is actually for understanding purposes when the thinking is in the level of normal intellect. The Karma & reincarnation philosophy.
In simpler terms, it states that the reason for existence is "to go back to one's roots"
A book called "I am That" by Nisargadatta Maharaj throws considerable amount of light on this topic. Many will challenge the Karma & reincarnation theory, for them, just grab a copy of Dr. Brian Weiss's - Many Lives Many Masters which is a true story highlighting the reincarnation & after death experiances of a patient.

Quantum theory suggests that space & time has no beginning nor an end. Instead, when you get to ‘the end’ you’re actually at ‘the beginning’. Like Richard Bach says in Illusions,

"What the caterpillar called the end of the world, the Master called a butterfly."

So without ever turning around a journey in one as long as you travel far enough, will bring you back to where you came from. Summing along the lines of quantum spirituality, I would say,

"Life is nothing but a perpetual circle of change, of metamorphosis."

After this thorough analysis, I came to the conclusion that presently a cogent evidence of reason of our existence is simply beyond the vistas of human imagination. You need to first understand what is this "existence". The understanding will answer itself to you on this question.

Speaking on much simpler & logical terms I would say: "the purpose of life is to have a life of purpose". It is we who give meaning to life. We create a purpose for our own self. Life is a purpose in itself & living is the purpose of life. And not only living, leading a good life, full of friendliness, good-will, compassion & equanimity for every being in the face of any problem is truly a reason to be reasoned.
Find your passion and pursue it vigorously. Make sure that this passion makes a difference to the people around you positively. Just take this life to its ultimate possibility. Go beyond all limitations and realize the ultimate possibility of who you are.

You live your life in the search of you, and its unfortunately true that before we get even a slight hint of what we are, we reach the end of our role in the drama of life in the stage called the world. So don't waste your precious time in the search of your identity, 'I' is a symbolic representation of something existing in the world, maybe too small for the world to realize...
Just be happy & enjoy life. Love life & it will love you back.